The WebElf Report

CaNN Blogroll-O-Rama
September 27, 2006, 10:13 pm
Filed under: Blogroll News

Friday, September 22nd, A.D. 2006

General Religious News

Apostle’s Creed

ANOTHER LOOK at Lust: A Christian View …. (transfigurations)

AQUILINA— “Dion: Roots Rock and Religion”.. yes, the “Teenager in Love” Dion …. (fathersofthechurch)

QUAKING MEDIA: Ahmadinejad wound up his U.N. speech with a prayer for the end of the world to come soon. Fear: Why the Media Won’t Tell You What Ahmadinejad Said; Iranian leader Speaks of ‘Armageddon’.. Speech mentions Islamic savior’s second coming …. (Various)

LEBANESE Christian leader: War was disaster, Hizballah must disarm …. (jihadwatch)

WELBORN ON N.T. Wright’s latest; Judas and the Gospel of Jesus: Have We Missed the Truth about Christianity? …. (amywelborn)

BBC interviews Richard Dawkins about “The God Delusion”

Via: VideoSift

GOD-HATER DAWKINS: on the God of the Old Testament, “a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sado-masochistic, capriciously malevolent bully”; Mohler weighs in …. (economist, mohler)

GET RELIGION: Unanswered questions in Indonesia; Denied a final Mass? …. (getreligion)

BLUB, BLUB, BLUB— “A recently-formed committee that is examining the work of the Anglican Church of Canada’s national office against a background of declining revenues will present some of its findings on Tuesday, Oct. 3 to staff in Toronto, said general secretary Michael Pollesel” …. (anglicanjournal)

CLUELESS CHRISTIAN BLOG: “How to Grow a Parish: Treat ’em like family and assign ’em chores” …. (cluelesschristian)

ROTTING VEGGIES— “NBC Broadcaster Slashes God from “Veggie Tales” Programming”; The pain of “lead time” (revisited). We’d Like Faith-Based Programming, Easy On God, Please. Bob the Tomato Gets Censored …. (GetReligion, Etc.)

ANGLICAN FALAFEL, SIR Philosopher — Academic Freedom and Limits .. “At the University of Minnesota the Department of Theatre and Dance is staging a play entitled “The Pope and the Witch,” which is described here. The play mocks the Pope, the Vatican, and the Catholic Church in general” …. (anglicanphilosopher)

LIBERALS congratulate themselves on success …. (cwnews)

VIA FULCRUM: “Why only faith can end the fighting [in Northern Uganda]” …. (

IN DEFENSE of radical Christianity, By Kevin McCullough …. (townhall)

Saint Paul’s Cathedral Choir- Psalm 121

Lots more here

POTSHOTS AT JESUS: “Fight between light and dark, playing before our eyes” …. (theanchoressonline)

WISDOM FROM Omar of Iraq the model: “What really makes me sad and angry is that churches are the most peaceful places in the country. Churches did not turn into bomb factories or hideouts for criminals. They remained beacons for peace and love unlike our mosques and Husseiniyat that drifted far away from their original purpose and sadly became sources of fear and death and changed to become homes to torturers and kidnappers” …. (

GAGDAD BOB: “If not “the,” then certainly Ahmadinejad is an Antichrist, in the sense that he is an absolute ape of God, of all that is good and decent and holy” …. (

MALKIN: “The corruption of Charlotte Church is a sorry little sign of how innocence and grace have lost their mass appeal — even as parents claim to want age-appropriate role models for their daughters. A survey of 1,010 mothers with daughters 4 to 9 years old, released this week, reported that 90 percent of the moms “believe there are not enough wholesome role models, celebrities, characters and brands for young girls to emulate.” Some 85 percent of those polled said they are “tired of the ‘sexpot’ dolls/characters” currently available” …. (

MAD MAHMOUD PONTIFICATES ON Suicide Bombing: Not as Good as the Coming Messiah, but Not Bad at All. The frightening truth of why Iran wants a bomb– Ahmadinejad doesn’t just invoke the reappearance of the 12th Imam, he also claims to communicate with him while the Imam is in occultation. Also …. (townhall)

GEE– D’YA THINK? — Disgusting & exploitative Body Worlds creator uses corpse for crucifixion. Christian activists upset: ‘This sounds gratuitously offensive and blasphemous.’ Gledhill: ‘Plastinated Christ’ …. (thisislondon, Gledhill)

SUFFERING CHRISTIANS Pleading For Your Prayers– SANTA ANA, CA – Chanmi (a pseudonym) survived the horrors of a North Korea prison and being sold several times into marriage in China …. (odusa)

RECRUITING EVIL: BreakPoint Commentary– What’s Hidden in the Shadows: Radical Islam and U.S. Prisons …. (breakpoint, firstthings)

MICHAEL LEDEEN: “It’s notable, I think, that religion — not so long ago pronounced irrelevant by most everyone in proper society — now dominates the global debate. Even a Communist like Hugo Chavez used religious terms to denounce W., perhaps because he is now in a tag team with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who speaks for a theocracy. But despite the fundamental importance of religion, most of our sages and scribblers are poorly equipped to deal with it, as you can see from the awkward coverage of the Pope’s speech at Regensberg” …. (NROTC)

BAGHDAD – A car bomb blast near a Christian church in Baghdad on early Sunday killed four civilians and wounded 14 others including four Iraqi policemen, witnesses said …. (jihadwatch)

MOCK, MOCK, MOCK— Studio 60: Crazy Christians ‘Praying for the End of the World’ …. (newsbusters)

SECULARISM and the Mystique of Nothingness …. (

GET RELIGION— “Now, back to the United Nations. Try to imagine what would have happened if President George W. Bush had ended his U.N. address with a call for the second coming of Jesus Christ and pledged that he would strive to see this event come to pass, sooner rather than later. Imagine the mainstream media response. Do you think this would be mentioned in major media? Do you think journalists would jump to cover that topic (as well they should)?” …. (getreligion)

BRAZIL’S evangelical movement has become a major social, political force …. (realcities)

A RABBLE-ROUSER for peace: If Desmond Tutu is guilty of craving fame, he has made good use of it, writes David Beresford …. (guardian)

GOD’S COPY BOOK: Sex and the Married Evangelical …. (godscopybook)

REST IN PEACE Perpetual Care Cash-strapped Roman Catholic parishes across Quebec are demanding a form of rent on burial plots or else the bones of Great Uncle Aloyisius will be, well, evicted …. (curtjester)

AN ANTI-CHRISTIAN STANCE: N.Y. Times, WashPost Attack Religious Freedom for ‘Zealot Chaplains’ …. (newsbusters)

WATER INTO WHINE.. The religious war on bottled water …. (theglobeandmail)

BREAKPOINT: Television Reality, By John Fischer. “When did television become bigger than life? How can such a small screen take up such a big place in our lives? We make demands on the images that play before our eyes that we would never make on ourselves” …. (breakpoint)

RECYCLED MANURE, still smelly: “I can’t believe that atrocious article is still being touted” …. (magicstatistics)

AQUILINA: “In our May 2007 pilgrimage to Rome, we’ll be staying fairly close to the Milvian Bridge. I hope you’ll be able to join us, because great things happen there” …. (fathersofthechurch)

THE LOOMING SHADOW cast by a mega-mosque– The arrival of a mega-mosque in London will be a significant coup for Islam, but Philip Johnston worries about defining any part of London as a Muslim area …. (telegraph)

DOUG GILES on Imprecatory Prayer: “As much as post-moderns want everyone to sing, We are the World, in some all-religion-encompassing global hand-hold and just move on, I’m afraid radical Islam is not going to be a part of pomo’s desired altruistic music video” …. (proudtobecanadian)

DEAN LOBS — “The Aaronic Blessing, also known as The Priestly Blessing is a prayer loved by believers and for good reason” …. (

Muslim Persecution of Lebanese Christians

More here

ROSIE O’DONNELL’S Anti-Christian Smear, By Don Feder: “While Muslims were busy threatening to kill the Pope..” …. (frontpagemag)

UK MADNESS: “Christian Coffins Should Be Aligned To Mecca” …. (westernresistance)

ANCHORESS— “So, it is time for the rest of us to turn off the ipods, shed the lambskin coat and come out of our self-imposed exile, ready to do battle. Things are indeed messed up and off-kilter. But no matter how much our parent figures in the government or the courts, or the churches or even the few grown-ups left in the press may embarrass us or disappoint, they’re still ours. They belong to us, and the bond is forever. And it is time to get busy” …. (theanchoressonline)

MOSCOW PATRIARCHATE works to revive the Chinese Orthodox Church …. (

SALIM MANSUR: “Speech given at the awards’ night of the American Jewish Congress, Los Angeles, California on September 17, 2006” …. (proudtobecanadian)

THE ANGLICAN JOURNAL for September …. (anglicanjournal)

ENGLISH CHURCH Census 2005 Reveals Hope Amid Further Decline.. not sinking so fast! Woooo! …. (christiantoday)

HUFFPO RELIGION – “Jesus Was Tortured at Abu Ghraib!” …. (

RELAPSED CATHOLIC— “Why do some Muslims have such an uncanny talent for proving the case of their critics?” …. (

RECOMMENDED READING: “The Indispensable Bookshelf: The Books You Absolutely, Positively, Must Read”, By Hugh Hewitt …. (townhall)

INDONESIAN Muslim government executes 3 Christians. Critics say men killed to appease radicals angered by death penalty for terrorists. Condemned Men Denied Confession and Eucharist …. (Various)

RECENTLY, it seems the whole world noticed that Cardinal Sean O’Malley is blogging …. (bettnet)

SPIRITUAL BOUNDARIES: “As Neil Postman has written, in the age of electronic media, childhood ceases to exist in the traditional sense (as a time of relative innocence) because there’s no way to control the information environment. Small towns used to be a refuge from the craziness, but now the same conformity that used to make them bulwarks against moral innovation now serve to accelerate it, thanks to the electronic media” …. (beliefnet)

U.S. 9th CIRCUS COURT Bans Religious Expression From Public Libraries …. (stoptheaclu)

FORMER SPANISH PM Aznar: “Muslims Should Apologize For Occupying Spain For 800 Years” …. (freedomszone)

The Ten Commandments: A Teen Romance

SUICIDE-WATCH: “Los Angeles paving the way to the brave new future of the Church” …. (bettnet)

OVER THE COUNTERCULTURE: Wilfred M. McClay on Transgressive Bohemians as Regressive Bobos …. (touchstonemag)

ARCHAEOLOGIST CLAIMS Jerusalem treasure mystery solved …. (

THE WAR ON REALITY: “Islamic group threatens to “physically resist” music classes at Punjab University” …. (jihadwatch)

THOUGHTS ON Intelligelicals, via Pantagruel …. (newpantagruel)

DUST MY BROOM wonders “Which God to Worship?” …. (dustmybroom)

COMMON GROUND Declaration on Life, By Seth Zirkle …. (intheagora)

EVO OUTPOST— On Earth As It Is In Heaven: Americans and the “Theocracy” Canard …. (evangelicaloutpost)

A REVIEW OF Chris Seay’s Faith of My Fathers: Conversations with Three Generations of Pastors About Church, Ministry, and Culture …. (touchstonemag)

REMEMBERY: “One of the more curious gaps in popular history is the lack of a first rate account of the Spanish Reconquista, the name given to the 800 year campaign by Christian kingdoms in Spain to expel Muslims from the Iberian Peninsula” …. (

BUSH TELL GROUPS He Sees A ‘Third Awakening’ …. (

MERE COMMENTS— “Political correctness has forced upon us a number of euphemisms designed, it seems, to make us deny something we believe under the guise of being polite or kind” …. (merecomments)

Steve Martin & Earl Scruggs – Foggy Mountain Breakdown

World War IV — The New Crusade….

MAHMOUD Ahmadinejad Rants to UN on U.S. Foreign Policy, Structure of Security Council …. (vitalperspective)

VERY BAD NEWS— Putin Calls Russia Defender of Islamic World; Russia Selling Iran Missiles to Protect Bushehr health-water bottling plant Nuclear Reactor — Source …. (gatesofvienna, jihadwatch)

MARK STEYN turns his talents against the United Nations: “What to do? Alan Dershowitz is a big liberal but he’s a sane liberal and, unlike many of his chums, he acknowledges the threat. So what’s his big idea? He thinks Iran should be expelled from the United Nations” …. (soberingthoughts)

A RESPONSIBILITY to defeat terrorism– This is Harper’s address to the UN …. (westernstandard)

LEBANON Resolution 1701 wasn’t worth the paper it was written on… “Hezbollah has been transporting rockets and heavy weaponry to Palestinian camps in south Lebanon just a few miles from the Israeli border, according to Lebanese officials. ” …. (wnd)

Iran President Ahmadinejad puppeteer
of Hezbollah Leader Hassan Nasrallah in Lebanon

GO FIGURE— “Iran has agreed in principle to suspend its uranium-enrichment program while negotiating with the West over the future of their nuclear program, but there’s a new catch. According to the Washington Times, Iran has insisted that the suspension be kept secret” …. (captainsquartersblog)

THE HAPPY GANG! The Islamization of Morocco– Extremism is displacing moderation in the North African kingdom …. (weeklystandard)

DENMARK: Muslim Anger At Cartoonist’s Lack Of Apology …. (westernresistance)

WINDS OF WAR: Thinking the Unthinkable– From The Gathering Storm; This week’s circus of threats and buffoonery at the UN and its inability to prevent the proliferation of nuclear weapons and into the hands of unstable countries has promoted many to begin thinking about the unthinkable – a nuclear strike against the US by al Qaeda …. (

PEACE-LOVING Somali jihadists seize port city, fire on protestors …. (jihadwatch)

MSN IGNORES, but Thousands Rally in Lebanon Against Hezbollah! …. (gatewaypundit)

A PRAYER for U.S. troops, via the Anchoress …. (theanchoressonline)

PEGGY NOONAN, in an insightful column about Hugo Chavez’s rant at the United Nations, argues well that the Bush Administration should respond with something a bit more than, “We won’t dignify those comments with a reply….” …. (thebantyrooster)

MELANIE PHILLIPS on The war within the west …. (melaniephillips)

SNIPER-ALERT! Hizbollah leader emerges from hiding; backgrounder via Michael Totten …. (telegraph, michaeltotten)

VICTOR DAVIS HANSON says they’ve earned the name, so why not use it? Islamic Fascism 101 …. (littlegreenfootballs)

STEYN ON THE APATHY OF DEFEAT: “If our cultural past isn’t worth defending, why should our future be?” …. (westernstandard)

AL-Q RECONS nuke storage site. Lightly guarded facility called ‘dream target for terrorists’ …. (worldnetdaily)

FREEDOM ZONE— The West’s Last Chance: ‘An Islamist threat like the Nazis’ …. (freedomszone)

MULTICULTI MELTDOWN: Honor Killing in Ottawa.. “It’s part of their culture, after all”.. A young Muslim woman was murdered by her brother in Ottawa. He was upset about her engagement. An honour killing? Very possibly, especially when you dig a bit deeper into the background of this particular community …. (lgf, janke)

MAD MAHMOUD alleged at a press conference Thursday that Kofi Annan himself told Iran to ignore the Security Council deadline to stop enriching uranium: “The secretary-general told him to disregard what has happened for the time being, resort to diplomacy.” …. (claudiarosett)

IRAN RALLY— Where the h-e-double-hockey-sticks is the media?? Non-persons Against Ahmadinejad …. (p2bc, atlasshrugs)

MARK STEYN: “It may be news to the Council of Foreign Relations types and the Dems, but the U.N. demonstrated this last week that it is utterly incapable of reform. Indeed, any reforms would be more likely to upgrade and enhance the cliques of thugs and despots than of the few states willing to stand up to them. The most sensible proposal this week came from Chavez, who demanded the U.N. relocate to Venezuela.” …. (instapundit)

DHIMMITUDE FOR DHUMMIES— FrontPageMagazine, by Victor Sharpe …. (frontpagemag)

PEEK-A-BOO: “Iran’s Terror-cum-Intelligence Networks Thrown across Three Continents” …. (debka)

MAO & MOHAMMED: “We call them Islamofascists, but radical Muslims have learned that the most successful revolutionary tactics come from the left” …. (westernstandard)

REMEMBERY: CNN Found Saddam-AQ Connection In 1999 …. (captainsquartersblog)

MORE AP PROPAGANDA— “AP: Nonexistent Hizballah Fighters Vanish, Become Civilians” …. (lgf)

Save Nazanin & Kobra from Execution

LEFTOID TONGUEBATH ENSUES! “It comes as no surprise that Hugo Chavez has become a chunky middle-aged matinee idol for the left wing blogosphere thanks to his antics this week …. (townhall, newsbusters)

OSAMA, leaks, timing and reality …. (anchoress)

NON-SPECIFIC YOOTS: “Paul Belien at Brussels Journal suggest Belgian “youths” might be starting to make Ramadan an annual Car-B-Q season” …. (smalldeadanimals)

PANTS ON FIRE— Bill Clinton “never criticized” Bush?!? SigCarlAlf: “Bill Clinton Pointing Fingers And Other Lie Detectors” …. (anchoress, sigmundcarlandalfred)

AUSTRALIA, the Beacon of Sanity …. (americanthinker)

IRAN & NUKES— “The west wants Iran to stop developing enrichment and reprocessing capabilities, because they constitute ipso facto a nuclear weapons breakout capability, and no plausible explanation has been advanced for peaceful use. But Iran has no intention of stopping this development and is engaged in the negotiations as a confidence-building measure so that there won’t be a confrontation. Therefore, a confrontation is inevitable sooner or later” …. (NROTC)

ARE WE NOT CANADIANS? “Lest you believe that those maple syrup gathering, moose hunting, plaid wearing and beer swilling Canucks are becoming a bit French in their war making, read this”; The RCR and the Princess Pats …. (mikeaustin,

HUZZAH! Columbia Withdraws an Invitation to Ahmadinejad.. There seems to be a sudden outbreak of common sense going around. Via …. (nysun, lucianne)

A LOST BATTLE? “‘Pakistan is negotiating similar terms with agencies in the Khyber, Tank, Dera Ismail Kahn and Bajaur regions of western Pakistan. If those negotiations are realized, the Taliban and al Qaeda will essentially have their own country again. With Waziristan they already have an excellent base of operations against our forces in Afghanistan.‘” …. (.israpundit)
.. He doth protest too much. Bill Clinton, Bin Laden, and Hysterical Revisions; Wallace ‘Stunned’ By Clinton Outburst. The most striking feature of Bill Clinton’s bloviations on FOX News Sunday with Chris Wallace yesterday was the incredibly low ratio of facts to whoppers. ClintonRage: The morning after. HotAir has more ….
(Malink, NROTC)

YOU KNOW, the Iraq War Created Terror- Ask Canada, Germany, France & Norway! You know.. like 9/11 …. (gatewaypundit)

PAGING WESTERN FEMINISTS.. Taliban Assassinates Womens-Rights Campaigner. “The assailants shot her four times in the head, through a burka, before fleeing” …. (CQ, Normblog)

THAT NIE FROM 2005 — Fighting Terrorists Makes Them Mad …. (wizbangblog)

COLBY COSH NOTES THAT The mobile phone finds a place in modern warfare with its use in Lebanon …. (westernstandard)

A MYSTERIOUS disappearance at the University of Western Ontario (mystery solved) …. (stevejanke)

GUTLESS DHIMMI architecture: Arizona 9/11 Memorial Outrage. DUDE: NO CRESCENTS, and no markers for the murderers of innocents! …. (littlegreenfootballs)

THE TWIN TOWERS: The Art of Negotiation …. (proteinwisdom)

MAHMOUD— Why, Some Of My Best Friends Are Descended From Pigs And Monkeys! …. (captainsquartersblog)

THE ‘MINUTEMEN’ BELOVED OF THE LEFT: “Shia killers rake in $1 million a day from crime. Groups spend freely on weapons, salaries to militiamen, social-welfare programs” …. (telegraph)

OUT OF THE MEMORY-HOLE: The Clinton Freak-Out: ‘Um, Wow.’ What Bill Clinton’s Critics Really Said About Bin Laden …. (townhall, claudiarosett)

MAGISTATS— Book on Islamism a best-seller in Denmark …. (magicstatistics)

HUGO’S INFERNO: “It would have been more appropriate for Hugo Chávez to brandish Dante’s “Divine Comedy” than Chomsky’s “Hegemony or Survival” during his sulfuric broadside at the U.N. last week. In the first part of the Italian masterpiece, the author undertakes a journey through the nine concentric circles of the Inferno, each representing a type of evil. Dante’s description reads like a script of present-day Venezuela” …. (publiuspundit)

LONDON’S RED MAYOR paves the way for an Islamic cantonment in the heart of the British capital. Get yer Danegeld ready! …. (spectator)

CANUCK PANTS ON FIRE: “The full text of Hamid Karzai’s statements exposes the NDP “reality check” for the lie it is” …. (stevejanke)

OH BROTHER! — Londonistan alert: No raids without clean-up squad Muslim approval …. (michellemalkin)

THE CHURCH DANCE THAT SNOWBALLED— “On the fifth anniversary of 9/11, US and Afghan troops in “eastern Afghanistan” – a vague delineated land that doesn’t necessarily stop at the Pakistani border – captured a man called Gulbuddin Hekmatyar. Who?” …. (telegraph)

THE ROUND OF Negotiations on Iran’s Nuclear Program May Lead to Suspension or to Sanctions …. (counterterrorismblog)

ANTI-WAR = Pro-Hizb’allah? …. (littlegreenfootballs)

HITTING Chavez where it hurts: Staying away from CITGO gas stations! Hugo Chavez unhinged; Bush=”El Diablo,” pimps Chomsky …. (Malkin,

THE LEFT IS PART OF THE AXIS OF EVIL, it appears …. (atlasshrugs2000)

NEWSBUSTERS— Israel: News Agencies May Be Enabling Terrorism …. (newsbusters)

HBO: Iraq war brutality – Baghdad ER

ISRAEL CALLS IRAN its greatest threat.. ‘They speak proudly and openly of their desire’ to wipe country off map …. (breitbart)

WHO’S WAGGING WHOM? Who’s the Dog Anyway? …. (smalldeadanimals)

PANTS ON FIRE: What CAIR-Saudi Connection? …. (frontpagemag)

MALKIN: More al Qaeda death porn …. (michellemalkin)

MORE ON THE phony Red Cross and the ambulance via LGF …. (newsbeat1)

SIG-CARL-FRED: “We now live in a country where the likes and ideas of Hugo Chavez and Mahmoud Ahmandinejad are afforded equal, if not greater respect than ideas and principles of Abraham Lincoln and Thomas Jefferson. The applause and attention given to Chavez and Ahmandinejad by the media and million of adoring idiots are proof positive of that truth” …. (

IDIOTS ON Video: Daniel Ellsberg urges leaking of Iran war plans on Colbert …. (

THE FIRST SUICIDE BOMBER in Somalia targets transitional president and parliament as Somalia slides further into the hands of the al-Qaeda backed Islamic Courts. Somalia and the Establishment of the Islamist Caliphate …. (billroggio, counterterrorismblog)

RECYCLING at the UN: Lebanese President Holds up Staged Photo as Proof of Israeli Crimes …. (mypetjawa)

SMALL DEAD ANIMALS: “Let’s insult the Turkish!… I say we start calling Turkey “SuckyCryBabystan”; Turkish Intellectuals Torn Between Democracy and Nationalism …. (smalldeadanimals,

COULTER: “Are Videotaped Beheadings Covered by Geneva?” …. (proudtobecanadian)

MISSING THE POINT WATCH— British Muslim: “How dare (the police) come to a Muslim area” …. (mypetjawa)

AP RESPONDS to Bloggers: Cite Known Terrorist Sympathizer as Source …. (mypetjawa)

THE HORROR! “Coca Cola and Pepsi Should Apologize to Muslims” who knew? …. (

RETURN OF SCIPIO: “Dear Hugo And Mahmoud”; The Nature Of The Enemy …. (

WHAT FRESH HELL–? “This is what they are doing now in Iraq: using kidnap victims as unwilling suicidebombers” …. (sandmonkey)

CRYBABY AP Fires Back at Michelle Malkin; blogger deals with AP; Associated Press vs. the “so-called blogosphere” …. (Various)

PAINTBALLING for Allah: By Joe Kaufman and Laura Mansfield– The new cutting-edge method of training for jihad …. (frontpagemag)

HUGO’S FAVE— “Over at OpinionJournal, British philosoper Roger Scruton examines the recent political statements of Noam Chomsky” …. (merecomments)

EL-MO IS AT IT AGAIN.. “The Canadian Islamic Congress and the Canadian Arab Federation have joined to oppose the anti-Muslim / anti-Arab content and tone of the CTS network talk show hosted by Michael Coren, whose recent Toronto Sun editorial advocates launching a preemptive nuclear attack on Iran …. (smalldeadanimals)

RAMADAN RIOTS? They are happening in Brussels, but only after Sundown! …. (sandmonkey)

REMEMBER: “Moral equivalence isn’t so much the ability to see the truth in all sides as it is the inability to recognize evil, even when it jumps up and bites you on the buttocks” …. (nationalpost)

HERE IS AN outstanding Afghanistan blog. Not just American entries from soldiers there, also lots of information and entries about Canadian troops, too. Like this Canuck trooper …. (donaldsensing)

PHOTO SERIES: The Arizona 9/11 Memorial; Audio update: AZ governor comments on controversy. CAIR-induced Arizona 9/11 Memorial Slogans …. (hotair, lgf)

ISLAMIC BROWNSHIRTS— “Insult a radical — it’s your civic duty” …. (spectator)

IT’S ALL A CONSPIRACY! Iranian TV Report Exposes ‘Zionist Companies’ – Coca [Cohen] Cola, Marlboro, Hugo Boss, McDonalds, Disney, Garnier, Tommy Hilfiger, L’Oreal, & Others; Pepsi = ‘Pay Each Penny Save Israel’ …. (

SO COMPLICATED! “Jew killing the Islamic way is not as simple as you might suppose. There are lots of irritating little conditions that must be met” …. (pajamasmedia)

WARNING! Man Jailed For “Revving His Car In A Racist Manner” …. (

IT’S LONDON, IT’S 2006.. Jews arrested for ‘anti-Semitism’ – Happy New Year! …. (timescolumns)

NORTH KOREAN Prison Camp Musical — In a Theater Near You …. (pajamasmedia)

TRINITY: The Atomic Bomb Movie

JUDEN RAUS! Columbia Watch: Untenured Jew Alert! “Two senior professors in my department explained that I could not expect, as a Jew, to be kept as a tenured professor in the Middle East department,” he said” …. (solomonia)

WATCH THOSE GRANNIES! ‘Nice, sweet lady,’ 83, deported for Nazi past. Former SS guard kept her secret buried, even from her Jewish husband. The swastika doilies gave her away. She was a dog handler at Ravensbrück, a slave labor prison. Speaking of ex-SS members, “Enough excuses,” remarks Günter Grass. But his new book is one long excuse for a life that was hopelessly compromised by hypocrisy …. (Various)

SCRAPPLEFACE: “Clinton: Conspiracy Theorists Out to Get Me” …. (scrappleface)

CaNN :: A proud member of the
101st Fighting Keyboardists

LifeWatch ….

WELL, LOOKY THERE: “Big Biotech’s Pro Cloning Strategy” …. (wesleyjsmith)

AFTER ABORTION is the blog to read for more information on dealing with the pain from abortion. Many links, stories, and, through the darkness, hope. Pass on the information to those who might need it …. (amywelborn)

SCARY BADNESS— “Neurologist on medical ethics now and later: Dr. Shari deSilva has posted an insightful article concerning the future of neurology, medicine, conscience and ethics on her blog, “Clueless Christian.” She says that she has not seen a single new baby with Downs’ Syndrome in 2 years, despite being the only neurologist who treats children for 300 miles. Dr. deSilva has observed the increasing pressure on medical “professionals” to act against their consciences, to the harm of patients and our profession. And she is witnessing the discussion of the potential role of neurologists in determining who will live and who will die at the hands – at least remotely by “assistance” – of her fellow physicians” …. (lifeethics)

RESEARCHERS Report Growing Stem Cells From Dead Embryos …. (titusonenine)

WELL THAT CLEARS IT ALL UP, THEN… Katrina Doctor Says She’s Not a Murderer: A doctor accused of murdering four critically ill hospital patients with injections in the harrowing days after Hurricane Katrina defended herself publicly for the first time, saying in a TV interview that she gave them drugs simply to ease their pain …. (christianpost)

FORBIDDEN FACTS: Nightmarish effect of ESC/Fetal research on patients UPDATED …. (theanchoressonline)

AND THE LIBERAL-LEFT wants to look after your children in state-run daycares …. (proudtobecanadian)

EATING THE UNBORN— Resource: List of Canadian Charities Which Support Embryonic Stem Cell Research (September 18, 2006) …. (lifesite)

THE U.S DOJ: Betraying aborted-alive babies? Jill Stanek cites cases of infants left to die, government’s lack of action …. (transfigurations, wnd)

MOTHER OF SEVEN Arrested Without Warning for Showing Abortion Image …. (lifesite)

PURE INHUMAN LOGIC: “If suicide is the answer to end-of-life suffering, why shouldn’t it work for other problems as well? Depression, for instance. Financial hardship. Homosexuality. Fear of speaking in public. An inability to digest complex carbohydrates”.. we hear Agent Smith, from The Matrix. “Humans are a virus” …. (proteinwisdom, telegraph)

LIBERAL MP STRONACH Suggests Only Pro-Abortion Women’s Organizations Should Receive Gov’t Funds …. (lifesite)

FEMINISTS, BEWARE— “Missouri may soon become the Clone-Me State. In Missouri this November, a misleading ballot initiative called Amendment 2, the ‘Missouri Stem Cell Research and Cures Initiative’, promises to ‘ban human cloning’. In actuality, like earlier deceitful state measures in New Jersey and California, it would work to do just the opposite. The doublespeak is all too commonplace in the cloning debate” …. (townhall)

KATE McMILLAN: “What has feminism done for me? Well, that’s a loaded question” …. (smalldeadanimals)

MORAL INVERSION: “When Avoiding an Abortion Is an ‘Empty Victory'” …. (dawneden)

HIM THAT PISSETH AGAINST THE WALL: “When boys are not allowed to pee in the natural way, the way boys have done for generations, it is meddling with God’s work,” Kleppe told the newspaper. The wimpification continues …. (NROTC, Telegraph)

WELBORN: “Several U.S. fertility clinics admit they’ve helped couples deliberately select defective embryos” …. (amywelborn)

MARK SHEA— Turns out Oxygen is now an “Extreme Measure” according to Death Eaters …. (

AND IF WE’RE REALLY SERIOUS about ‘thinking long-term,’ we will take steps to strengthen the institution of marriage as a legal union of one man and one woman for the procreation and rearing of children. We will return to parenthood the esteem it deserves, and frame public policy with a view to encouraging healthy families for the bearing and rearing of children …. (

NOTHING TO SEE HERE, folks… Just the Religion of Peace(tm) going about its daily business: “A young Pakistani woman has been kidnapped, raped and beaten by a gang of high-caste villagers because her uncle eloped with one of their relatives” …. (shotgun)

RUSSIANS get afternoon off to make babies …. (Telegraph)

DREAM-BABIES: yet again, the rich & the lunatic will win-win: “If it’s ethical to take a peek at the genetic code, and eliminate the babies with known propensities to illness, what about characteristics that are not actually illnesses, but generally considered undesirable? Do you want your child to suffer the humiliation of premature baldness? A tendency to be overweight? Near-sighted?” …. (cwnews)

GENOA GENERATIONS: “In Genoa, the city is dying for want of children. The only people having kids there these days are immigrants. Young people have resolutely chosen to have either no children, or only one child. Some claim that it’s too expensive to raise kids, but that’s a crock, given what generations of their (our) ancestors endured in terms of material privation, yet still had families” …. (

U.N.-INITIATED “Global Tax” Justified by Proposed Use for Third-World Anti-AIDS Drugs …. (lifesite)

DEATH OF A CULTURE? There’s something profoundly sad about the way these young Italians talk about children and their decision not to have any …. (worldmagblog)

REPRODUCTIVE Killing Rights: Special Report– John Podesta and the outfit he heads continue to Clintonize language and ethical meaning …. (spectator)

CANADA: “Women’s groups face funding cuts” .. Golly, I wonder what brought that on? …. (

BRITISH Labour cabinet minister warns against sending young children to daycare …. (magicstatistics)

MEDICAL TYRANNY: Should Pharmacists Have Right to Say “No”? …. (pewforum)

MODERN SCIENCE: Inventing New Sins that Cry out to Heaven for Vengeance …. (

GOOD TIMES.. good times! “Can assisted suicide really be a ‘marvellous possibility’ for the mentally ill?” …. (telegraph)

REAL MEN AREN’T weasel-word-wielding toss-bags …. (

WHO KNEW? Welfare Benefits Increase the Incentive for Women To Become Single Mothers …. (shotgun)

Oh, Canadia ….

Now Under Grown-Up Management

FEELING IT? “What a wonderful day in Canada. The speeches by Karzai and Harper, the sea of red outside of parliament. All the love and respect and for the first time in a long time, I’m feeling great pride in my country again” …. (dustmybroom)

FALLEN HEROES return.. Soldiers killed in suicide bombing …. (torontosun)

MAGISTATS— Scant evidence that Canada is headed for theocracy …. (magicstatistics)

THE PM WAS IN NY but he was talking to us …. (

IS THE MEDIA setting the agenda on the gun registry? …. (stephentaylor)

CONSERVATIVE GOV’T To Pay Down Debt By 13.2 Billion!! Canada’s New Government cuts wasteful programs, refocuses spending on priorities, achieves major debt reduction as promised …. (officiallyscrewed, newsbeat1)

OFF THE TEAT! Conservatives to cut stupid Status of Women division of the liberals. Plus: the Court Challenges Program is dead. Ding dong! …. (proudtobecanadian, SDA)

RED FRIDAYS take root in Ottawa …. (proudtobecanadian)

GG JEAN Offers Support; Gets Flak …. (smalldeadanimals)

LIB LEADERSHIP backstabbing continues: “ revealed? Peeling back the layers” …. (stevejanke)

CBCWATCH: “Fear and consternation stalk CBC’s corridors of power these days. Ratings are so low for some of the corporation’s big-ticket items that 500,000 has become the new million”; How to save CBC: The current turmoil at CBC represents an opportunity to return the broadcaster to its place as a national treasure …. (cbcwatch)

ALFONSO GAGLIANO sleeps with the fish: “Alfonso Gagliano is not a member of the Liberal Party of Canada – LPC(Q)” …. (

STEPHANE DION recycles his own speech in order to take new credit for an old idea …. (shotgun)

BEER, POPCORN and the Gun Registry …. (dustmybroom)

BILLIONAIRE BIMBO? “Big buck-seeking Leanne Domi says ex-hubby Tie and Belinda Stronach are lovers” …. (torontosun,

TRUST US, we’re senators .. Two redder members of the red chamber are suddenly joining the fight to reform the upper house, but the Tories smell a rat …. (westernstandard)

BARBARA KAY: “The ‘real’ reasons for the Montreal rampage” …. (proudtobecanadian)

LAW OF THE LAND? After the Superior Court ordered aboriginal protestors to end their occupation of disputed land in Caledonia, Ontario, the land still remains occupied …. (

DOZENS OF PEOPLE in Montreal, including the dead, have been improperly signed up as federal Liberal party members. Word has it Joe Volpe expected to promise to extend the Charter of Rights to the undead …. (Thestar)

CANADA’S socialist party leader wants to negotiate with Taliban; NDP Shame …. (frontpagemag. civitatensis)

VIDEO: “Afghan Mission Worth It” says dead soldier’s mom; Corporal Shane Keating’s Mother Speaks …. (youtube, SDA)

ORGANIZED crime at work at Montreal airport: study …. (cbc)

A LONG WAKING NIGHTMARE for Liberals: Allegations of dead men joining the party …. (

THE CULT of the Oppressed Native …. (dustmybroom)

CANUCK CHAOS: The lack of government oversight in the securities world …. (shotgun)

GAIRDNER ON Montreal and Morality …. (proudtobecanadian)

INDEED, IT IS HARD TO SEE how U.S. can be blamed for incompetence of Canadian intelligence …. (thestar)

THE CBC’S PERNICIOUS “herd of independent minds” is beyond reform. CBC pod-people! Fulford: “The lessons I learned at CBC” …. (damianpenny, RLC)

THE GLORIOUS LEADER— Discontent with Jack Layton’s personality cult; Liars, Frauds, and Charlatans. The history of the NDP from Tommy Douglas to Jack Layton. Nothing’s changed …. (shotgun, SDA)

Blogosphere, Web — and Old Media ….

BLOGS SAVE LIVES— “A blogstorm of the good kind, organized by Matt @ Blackfive, has found not one but three bone marrow donors for a Navy SEAL with a rare form of leukemia” …. (pajamasmedia)

BOINGBOING NOTES Problems with Zimbabwe’s Internet …. (boingboing)

A BLOGGER Conference Call with Author Tony Blankley …. (gatewaypundit)

EVANGELICAL OUTPOST: The “How To Start a Blog” Series: Tips and Suggestions for Launching a Successful Blog …. (evangelicaloutpost)

MMMM..comfy! The Recline of Western Civilization …. (mentalfloss)

A NEW BOOK: “Sensible introduction to blogging” …. (boingboing)

Pop Culture, Media, Technology, Leftovers ….

SNL – Celebrity Jeopardy

FEELINGS GOOD: “Richard Charkin argues that public libraries are in crisis” …. (normblog)

A FIREFOX TWEAK lets you surf without trace. Every few minutes, browser causes computer’s IP address to appear to change …. (

TWO HUNDRED NEW “For Dummies” titles come out every year. At that rate, there may soon be more Dummies books than dummies to read them …. (nytimes)

THE ROYAL SOCIETY has made nearly three and a half centuries of scientific study available online in their Journals Digital Archive, launched just this week …. (

Former A-List Sci-Fi Talent Agency

VIA FARK: “Photoshop the epic battle between Star Trek Red Shirt Cannon Fodder and the graduates from the fabulous Imperial Stormtrooper School of Marksmanship” …. (

PAS DE D’OH! How political correctness ruined British ballet …. (beliefnet)

THE TOP TEN coolest things seen with google earth …. (

MICROSOFT BUGWAREZ: As expected, Microsoft has issued a patch two weeks early to plug a security hole that has been exploited by cybercriminals …. (zdnet)

CHECK OUT THE Yak Shaving Razor #66 …. (evangelicaloutpost)

THE TIRESOME LEFTOID HYMN “Imagine” sucks, says Shaidle, “But it takes Mark Shea to really really a) fisk it into a hopeless vegetative state and b) fisk an angry letter he got from an old hippie , defending Lennon and the song” …. (relapsedcatholic)

BOO, HISS! ‘X-rated’ Tolkien not for kids. Famed author’s son finishes dad’s book, which contains incest, suicide, violence …. (timesonline)

FOR FIREFOX— “Cooliris Previews 1.8 for Firefox gives you the power to browse and share web links and rich media instantly” …. (cooliris)

Grandma Will Aim For The Toodles

LET’S SCARE PEOPLE who have poor vision! “She’s fallen and she definitely can’t get up” …. (mentalfloss)

NEW VISAGE for Red Planet ‘face’ …. (bbc)

THE MANOLO, HE TALKS HISTORY: “Indeed, it is the little known historic fact that it was the hair and not the General Jackson who led the charge at the Battle of New Orleans. That morning, the Andrew Jackson was sick in his tent with the fever, when is impetuous hair, fearing disaster, seized the initiative, mounted the General’s horse and rode into battle, waving its little sword and shouting exhortations to the men” …. (politicscentral)

Monkey with a Deathwish

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CaNN Blogroll-O-Rama

To add Jewish insult to Jewish injury, an organization headed by someone manifestly Jewish (or, at least, of Jewish ethnicity), comes charging out saying that the fact that there are Christians in the Pentagon is destroying America’s war effort, beca…

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