The WebElf Report
March 5, 2012, 5:42 pm
Filed under: Anglican Crisis


~ WHERE, O WHERE, YOU wonder– ye few who are still checking in– is that ever-whinging WebElf? Living in the fun-filled Book of Job, and scratching myself with potsherds.

Toof Diagnosis

Thus, the first tooth problem is roughly 80% better– but there’s still pain.. and so the good dentist who recently pulled tooth #1 did some more probing, x-ray, and tooth-testing this morning.

Wait for it….

It turns out that if you do an un-asked-for root canal, drop a bit of dental file in it, and then leave the bottom 25% of the root unfixed, that not only are you risking tooth abscess, but neighbouring teeth are in danger, too, via inflamed & rotting nerves.

It’s Like A Party!

The result? A brand new new Root Canal to be excavated on Friday for 2 hours, on the next tooth in line.. which is indeed infected, and threatening a new abscess, despite 3 weeks of strong antibiotics. Oh, and more antibiotics to follow that treatment. Ha ha, whee!

What with my general poor health & abiding slow recoveries, so it goes… thank you so VERY much, O  Rapacious Botchmeister Dentist Of Evil who started this slow series of dental implosions in my head 4 years ago.

So What, Elf?

Prayers please, and patience. I do apologize for that burst of bloggy activity a a month ago, and now nothing. I just don’t have it in me with the pain, anti-biotic hangover, fevers, and general exhaustion to spend a lot of energy blogging. A few essays have percolated in my addled noggin, but not much else.

If anybody is inclined, feel free to send along Amazon loot to cheer up your stricken servant. All prayers and notes of encouragement would also be timely, and very welcome.. I’m seriously worn to a nub by stress, pain, tiredness, infection, and waiting around to get better.

Love Your Elf,
